di Rodney Henry Sidelines Online

In questo articolo si parla delle parole, di come queste vengano utilizzate nel mondo del business e di come facciano in fretta a "passare di moda" a vantaggio di altre nuove e fresche.
Viene anche trattato il tema di come le aziende accolgano queste novità e della diversità di fondo che c'è tra le aziende americane e quelle asiatiche.

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The world of business changes year by year, as each brings something new to the game. With the growth comes along new ideals that help guide the advancement of the way the business world operates. These ideals are formed from words, words that are coined buzzwords that lead the actions of many. Business buzzwords have for years been the fire that has ignited the minds of many.

In the past, there were the Internet, the Four P's of marketing and benchmarking among thousands of others. Of course, these phrases still hold weight in today's world but there are others that are taking the lead and are birthing new life within the business world.

There is the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy, where you go against the old idea of benchmarking into a sea of open ideas and innovations.

This leads to innovation in itself, companies are creating ways of turning the old into something totally new. With the idea of innovation within a company or an industry comes along the creation of the 'new entrepreneur', or what is known as corporate entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship.

Here, companies are embracing the creative guys and allowing them to lead the company in new directions.

Most of these buzzwords or phrases deal with strategy, where companies are in some ways forced to look at things a little differently then before in order to surpass those that have been innovative for years.

For instance, Japanese companies continue to improve their products and services yearly, while American companies do so only when forced to by competition. This is one cause of the growth that Asian companies are enjoying and the lack thereof within many American companies and industries.

Strategy is what places one company ahead of another, with that understanding having a company that clinches onto the idea of the "knowledge economy," a theory coined by Peter Drucker in the 1960s, where knowledge is taking a seat at the table where before many business leaders thought that to be successful, you successfully marshalled capital and labor.

A "knowledge economy" changes the development of strategies and in general, the way business is done. It has certainly made the concept of Web 2.0 a realistic way of old and new emerging industries.

Web 2.0 is where people become able to participate in the Internet, the exchanging of ideas - blogs, direct interaction with companies, emails etc. Web 2.0 has, for many reasons become a vital part of any business that wants to connect with its customers on a continuous basis.

Blossoming from Web 2.0, viral marketing has become a leader in the way marketing on the Internet has surpassed other forms of direct marketing formulas. Viral marketing is the usage of social networking to advertise to customers that are within or on their way into your market. Sites like Facebook and Myspace have pushed the concept into the minds of business owners and into the eyes and ears of consumers without them knowing.

Two buzzwords that have been around for some time but are still as important as days past are "Six Sigma" and "Return on Investment, or ROI. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the 1980s to cut down the number of defects. Some think that it is only good for manufacturing but it applies to the service industry as well.

(L'articolo continua sotto al box in cui ti segnaliamo che alla collana di libri QualitiAmo si è aggiunto un nuovo titolo).


"La nuova ISO 9001:2015 per riorganizzare, finalmente, l'azienda per processi" - Si aggiunge alla collana dei libri di QualitiAmo il primo testo che svela i segreti della futura norma.
Dalla teoria alla pratica: il secondo lavoro di Stefania Cordiani e Paolo Ruffatti spiega come migliorare la vostra organizzazione applicando la nuova norma attraverso i suggerimenti del loro primo libro
(Vai all'articolo che descrive il nuovo libro)

"Organizzazione per processi e pensiero snello - Le PMI alla conquista del mercato" - Da una collaborazione nata sulle nostre pagine, un libro per far uscire le PMI dalla crisi.
L’ideatrice di QualitiAmo e una delle sue firme storiche spiegano come usare con efficacia la Qualità.
(Vai all'articolo che descrive il primo libro)

The process is Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control - DMAIC. Its aim is to produce no more than 3.4 defective parts per million. That may seem like perfection, but most companies are far from this in real terms. In regards to the service industry, Six Sigma could increase customer satisfaction, where the aim could be to reach a certain level of satisfaction.

Now to ROI, the investment should be a small percentage of the return you will receive. Within the marketing world, ROI on marketing dollars and as ROI on brand management are key terms to marketing success.

These business buzzwords are just the tipping point, another thing to investigate, to the mass of information or knowledge one should have.

This allows one to swim with the business tide, or if chosen, to dive into the blue ocean and swim alone.


Che cos'è il Six Sigma?
La metodologia Six Sigma
Le qualità che deve avere un Six Sigma Black Belt
La metodologia Six Sigma in Italia
Le cose che una Six Sigma Black Belt dovrebbe sapere
Six Sigma: presentazioni in PowerPoint
Aforismi sul Six Sigma
Cercasi ingegnere cintura nera
Imparare il Six Sigma con i Lego
La mappa stradale della formazione Six Sigma
Il miliardario di software appassionato di Six Sigma
Terminologia della Qualità: Sei Sigma

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