di Best Practices -

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With a continued focus on quality and efficiency in the manufacturing environment, best-in-class companies continue to focus on opportunities for streamlining processes to maximize maintenance functions.

In reviewing the maintenance functions for manufacturing organizations, the majority of the benchmark class related that a transition to maintenance centralization could provide several worthwhile benefits, as found in a new report released by Best Practices, LLC.

Best Practices, LLC Vice President of Research Services, Gary Shaw, stated, "Manufacturing organizations have found that centralization of maintenance functions not only save companies money, but also deliver better service as local best practices found in lean shop environments are shared across the organization." Indeed, data from the recent study of such companies as Cadbury Schweppes, Caterpillar, Deere, Dow Corning, Eastman Kodak and Lexmark identified key practices and metrics that can lead to better management of the maintenance function in a manufacturing environment.

For a complimentary summary of the full report "Manufacturing Maintenance Management & Structure," see:
The study enables organizations to identify performance gaps and areas for improvement to better manage their maintenance functions.

(L'articolo continua sotto al box in cui ti segnaliamo che alla collana di libri QualitiAmo si è aggiunto un nuovo titolo).


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Key topic areas covered include:

  • What equipment performance measures are utilized and to what degree are they effective?
  • How are the maintenance functions organized and structured within manufacturing organizations to maximize efficiency and performance?
  • Which companies have transitioned to a centralized maintenance function and how was this implemented?
  • What have manufacturing organizations found to be the benefits of maintenance centralization and what challenges are expected in a transition to centralization?
  • What positive and negative impacts can maintenance structure have on inventory?
  • What are key issues to consider in building a plan for transitioning maintenance structure?

Key metrics represented include:

  • Effectiveness of structural changes on key outcomes
  • Effectiveness of metrics for management of equipment performance
  • Duration of transition period for maintenance structural changes
  • Management levels identified as most resistant to structural change
  • Quantification of improvements to machine reliability upon completion of structural transition

For more information on this report, contact Robert Naylor at or (919) 767-9244. To access the full report or download a complimentary copy of the report summary, go to


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