di Tony Jacowski Project Management Articles

Cos'è la metodologia Six Sigma e come cambia un'organizzazione adottandone i suoi insegnamenti?

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On the surface, any training program will look the same because it uses the same statistical tools that have worked before and all the methodologies have same objectives (i.e. focus on the defect reduction and quality improvement).
While the tools and techniques may be old, the approach to deploy them always varies depending upon the situation. So then let's see what exactly Six Sigma Training is:

Nature Of The Training

Six Sigma is a strategic approach that works across for any business processes or company functions, and it has both technical and management components. Management focuses more on obtaining the right process metrics and goals, the right project and the right team for working on these projects to successfully finish the projects and sustain the goals. On the more technical side, the emphasis is on enhancing the process performance by using 6 Sigma concepts like statistical tools, the process data, and a focussed process improvement methodology of MAIC (measure, analyze, improve and control).

This approach concentrates on identifying the key process drivers that will have the largest effect on the process. Software such as Minitab, used for all statistical calculations, are of great help in this area. Along with that, the strategy also provides the user with a process measurement scale. Therefore, it can be easily understood that for successful implementation of Six Sigma it is mandatory that teams of experts who know their job thoroughly manage the plan right from the beginning so that it functions smoothly.

Why Does Six Sigma Training Always Work?

There are in total three approaches that integrate and manage like no other improvement approaches. They are:

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L’ideatrice di QualitiAmo e una delle sue firme storiche spiegano come usare con efficacia la Qualità.
(Vai all'articolo che descrive il primo libro)

  • Uniting human and process elements of improvements
  • Apparent focus on getting the bottom line results
  • A method that classifies and links improvement tools into a collective approach

These three approaches, along with other aspects of Six Sigma, produce a deployment process that is the best in the quality improvement initiatives. The approach is wonderful - but if the implementation team is not talented enough, then it leads to the failure of the project.

Training is successful because it enables rapid project completion by using a disciplined and systematic approach. And in terms of projects spread over a longer duration, success is clearly defined by setting goals for performance such as reducing defects, cycle time, scrap, and reworks.

Importance Of Quality Engineers And Statisticians

Quality engineers and statisticians are the mainstays in a Six Sigma strategy. A quality engineer can double as a Black Belt professional for the organization along with providing quality engineering expertise.

Statisticians should also work on problems that are technical or statistical in nature. Even if they are not part of the Six Sigma team, they should help the team by identifying problems and deploying statistical methods that are user-friendly and robust for those problems. The responsibilities of everyone touched by 6 Sigma will ultimately change. In such a case, quality engineers and statisticians can help management with their new responsibilities.

New Skill Sets And Attitudes Are Needed

After the methodology is adopted, roles change, and along with it a need for acquiring new knowledge and skill set and a change in the attitude is very much needed. Team members must understand the steps that should be taken to create value for customer and the organization along with understanding the gaps between current and desired performance.

Changes On Personal Level Required As Well

Change is one factor that is necessary for the successful implementation, especially on a personal level. Almost everyone who is involved has to change the way they approach a particular improvement procedure. Changing a whole organization at once is not practically possible. Therefore, it should be started on an individual level first.

Six Sigma Training Works And Is Different From The Rest

It works because it is different and is very important for both the success of organization as well as the success of the employees involved. However, a lot of effort is needed to make it add value to a company's


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