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Norma AS9003

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Registrato: 21/09/07 10:41
Messaggi: 1668

MessaggioInviato: Gio Gen 24, 2008 11:44 am    Oggetto: Norma AS9003 Rispondi citando

Qualcuno di voi per caso conosce la norma AS9003? In internet ho trovato poco e nulla.
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Enigmatico sorridente

Registrato: 27/11/07 16:30
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MessaggioInviato: Gio Gen 24, 2008 3:18 pm    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

se non lo avessi già incontrato, nel sito della ASQ trovi un abstract che spiega in modo conciso (riporto):
"Abstract : AS9003, Inspection and Test Quality System, represents the return to a traditional aerospace industry approach to quality management that existed before the adoption of the ISO 9000 quality standards. While most large manufacturers and suppliers have been able to make the transition to ISO 9000, smaller organizations and nonaerospace organizations with limited aerospace industry association have continued to struggle and have been reluctant to make the switch. Developed by the America's Aerospace Quality Group, AS9003 is less than AS9100, but is still a system that ensures product and process integrity. Its basic intent is to define a quality inspection system, not a quality management system. While it is difficult to say whether this approach will be suitable for other industries, a well-planned inspection and test system may fill the gap between nothing and a complete QMS. Note: This article does not include the standard. "
Io ho lavorato con alcune JAR, ma mai con la Aviation standard 9003, sorry...
bau bau micio micio Smile
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Donna di qualità

Registrato: 21/09/07 10:41
Messaggi: 1668

MessaggioInviato: Ven Gen 25, 2008 10:21 am    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

No, questo non l'avevo ancora visto, ti ringrazio Dario. Chissà se qualcuno sa dirmi se le differenze rispetto all'ISO 9001 sono molte. Rolling Eyes
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