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(Translated by Google Translate)

"With the talent we win games, but with teamwork and intelligence win championships you"
Michael Jordan (athlete)

"Competition leads to defeat. People who pull the rope in opposite directions and not get tired come from nowhere"
William Edwards Deming (guru of quality)

"The strength lies in differences, not in similarities"
Stephen Covey (author)

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions"
Oliver Wendell Holmes (American physician, professor, lecturer and author)

"In the U.S. there is a tendency to describe teamwork as a way to increase productivity.
In Japan, however, the tendency is to describe this activity as a way to increase the skills and knowledge of people.
There is a pretty substantial difference. "
J. Aral (Executive Japanese)

"An elephant is a mouse designed by a working group
Tullio Avoledo (writer)

"A group becomes a team when all its members are pretty sure of themselves and the contribution it can make, to be able to praise the preparation of other participants"

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Quotes on QMS