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(Translated by Google Translate)

"What is good for people, is good for business"
Leo Burnett (advertising U.S.)

"There are three types of leaders. Those who tell you what to do. Those who let you do what you want. And the leading" lean "that comes from you and help you discover what to do"
John Shook (Member of the Lean Enterprise Institute)

It is important that an aim never be defined in terms of activity or method. Must include plans for the future and be a value-judgment
William Edwards Deming ( "guru" of Quality)

"It is the quality of leadership, more than any other factor that determines the success or failure of any organization"
Fred Fiedler and Martin Chemers (theorists of leadership and authors of "Improving Leadership Effectiveness")

"It is easier to lead people who control them"
David Harold Fink (writer)

"Business is business producing only money poor"
Henry Ford (industrial)

"Guide and inspire people. Do not try to manage and manipulate.
The stores can be managed but people must be guided "
Henry Ross Perot (American businessman and politician)

"The leaders will have to invest more and more on issues such as culture, values, ethos and intangibles. Rather than managers, they need to be cultivators and storytellers to capture minds"
Leif Edvinsson (pioneer of Intellectual Capital in Corporate Longitude)

"The task of managers is not supervised, but the leadership"
William Edwards Deming (guru of quality)

The courage of a great leader to fulfill his "vision" must come from passion, not by its position
John C. Maxwell (founder of INJOY for the development of human potential)

"Leaders are like eagles do not fly in flocks, they always find one at a time"

"The best example of leadership is leadership led by example"
Jerry McClain (writer)

"The secret to winning is constant and careful management"
Tom Landry (football coach)

"The only real test to see if someone was a good leader is to see if he has left behind, in others the conviction and determination to continue along the path outlined.
The genius of the people of this mold is to leave behind a situation where common sense, without being accompanied by the genius, is able to handle things with success "
Walter Lippmann (American journalist)

"The real leader has no need to dive in the role of driving, enough to show the way"
Henry Miller (Writer)

"Managers are people who do things well. The leaders, however, are people who do things right"
Warren Bennis (Leadership Scholar and author of "How to become a leader")

"The profits are tied to growth and investment to promote growth always pay in the long term"
K. Matsushita (founder of Matsushita Electric)

"Leadership is the art which makes it possible that someone else gladly do what you want"

Dwight Eisenhower (former President of the United States)

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality"
Max DePree (author of "The Art of Leadership")

"It is difficult to make decisions when you know what your values"
Roy Disney (nephew of screenwriter and Walt Disney)

"We can not know where our dreams take us, but we can imagine quite clearly where would we be without them"
Marilyn Grays (Teacher)

"Do not follow the path. Rather go where the path is not there and a new tracciane you"
Muriel Strode (American writer)

"To be successful, the assessment of competence must be guided more by a desire to learn and improve from the need to restrict and punish"

"To serve the purpose, a vision must be a shared vision"
Warren Bennis (Leadership Scholar and author of "How to become a leader")

"Most people are able to withstand adversity. If you really want to test the character of a man by the power"
Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States)

A great education doesn't guarantee good leaders, because leadership isn't a cognitive skill

"A good leader can bring out the best of troops with limited capacity. On the contrary, a leader unable able to demoralize even the best men"
John J. Pershing (general)

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