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"Doubt those with only certainties and put faith in those who also has a reasonable doubt, as the true wisdom is in knowing how to even recognize his own ignorance. It was a classic example of the great greek philosopher Socrates, whose wisdom was at the base of the awareness to know he knew nothing "
Xavier Wheel (English philosopher)

"Beware of half truths. You might get the wrong half"

"Knowledge is power"
Francis Bacon (English philosopher and essayist)

"Knowledge has no value unless you put it into practice"
Heber J. Grant (religious)

"Our understanding is enriched whenever it comes into contact with other knowledge"
Xavier Wheel (English philosopher)

"" People see only what they are prepared to see "
Ralph Waldo Emerson (American writer)

"There is no substitute for the knowledge
William Edwards Deming (guru of quality)

"Never cut what you can dissolve"
Joseph Antoine René Joubert (intellectual group of Chateaubriand)

"He explained slowly so that I can understand in a hurry"

"If you think training and education costing too expensive, try to see how ignorance can cost"

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest"
Benjamin Franklin (American politician and scientist)

"Just because something is easy to measure doesn't mean it's important"
Seth Godin (change agent)

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Quotes on QMS