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(Translated by Google Translate)

"You have to change everything so as not to change anything"
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (author)

"Change before being forced to do so"
Jack Welck (former CEO General Electric)

"Trying to change people's habits and their way of thinking is like writing in the snow during a blizzard.
Every 20 minutes you have to start all over again.
Only through constant repetition able to create change "
Donald L. Dewar (author of A Serious Anomaly: Quality Circles without TQC)

Who never change their opinions any more than they love truth love
Joseph Joubert (French philosopher)

"Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible. And suddenly you will be surprised to do the impossible"
St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint of Italy)

"It must be remembered that nothing is more difficult to plan, more doubtful to happen or more dangerous to manage the creation of a new system.
For one who proposes what has the enmity of those who have profit to preserve the ancient and only lukewarm supporters in those who would benefit from the new "
Niccolò Machiavelli (writer)

"We must become the change we want to see"
Mahatma Gandhi (Indian politician)

E 'ability to innovate that differentiates a leader from a follower "
Steve Jobs (American computer scientist and entrepreneur)

"The change should be a friend. It should happen because programmers, not a result of an accident"
Philip B. Crosby (guru of quality)

"Change is a law of life and those who insist on always look only to the past or focus only on the present can be sure to miss the future"

"The problem is never how to think of something new and innovative, but how to eliminate old beliefs"
Dee Hock (founder of Visa)

"The difficulty lies not in believing the new ideas but in flight from the old"
J. M. Keynes

Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination takes you everywhere
Albert Einstein (scientist)

"Life is always creating, unpredictability and, at the same time, full and automatic storage of the entire past
Henri Bergson (French philosopher)

"The two key rules that underpin life itself are:
1) Change is inevitable
2) all seek to resist change
William Edwards Deming (guru of quality)

"People are very open-minded about new things - as long as they're exactly like the old ones"
Charles F. Kettering (American engineer, inventor)

I feel suffocated and I get lost when my brilliant sense of progress
Margaret Fuller (writer, patriot and American journalist)

"There is nothing immutable, except the need for change"
Heraclitus (philosopher)

"Do not ever change is tantamount to improve, but to improve we need to change"
Winston Churchill (statesman)

"Now ... You see, it takes all the speed of which you are able to remain in the same place.
If you want to go somewhere else instead, you must run at least twice more "
Lewis Carroll (author of "Alice in Wonderland")

"To change something, build a new model that makes reality obsolete"
Richard Buckminster Fuller (inventor, television presenter, American architect and designer)

"What we have done in Xerox was essentially spending money to simulate the future"
Chuck Thacker (former Xerox employee and now an engineer Microsoft)

"" It is done so for years "is the admission that the system does not work"
William Edwards Deming (guru of quality)

Everyone knows that something is impossible to achieve until you get a naive she does not know and invents
A. Einstein (physicist)

"We live normally in the habit, with our being reduced to a minimum.
Our faculties are sleeping, resting on pillows of habit: she knows what there is to do and does not need them "
Marcel Proust (writer)

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"
Winston Churchill (statesman)

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Quotes on QMS