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Perception is a psychological process of creating an internal imageof the outside world.
This is a cognitive process through which individuals collect and organize information about people, objects and events.

Why a company finds it difficult to adapt to new conditions?

It is a process of interpreting the information provided which serves to give meaning to the situation we are experiencing. The interpretation that emerges is the truth of the "perceiver" and, although several people were having the same information and observe the same situation, perceptions can vary widely from person to person.

Perception is a dynamic process, a search for the best interpretation of available data, although this does not necessarily mean that the interpretation is accurate.
In what follows, we focus our attention on aspects of perception related to emotion and thought, with particular emphasis on two particular sensory channels:

  • what we see
  • what we feel

Examine how our perceptions influence behavior, analyzing the characteristics of the perceiver, event or object perceived and the situational context in which it is perception.

The relationship between perception and learning is obijective because the way you think is something that we learn and what we learn affects our perceptions.
The basic element of the perceptual process is the selection that is guided by our personal characteristics, attributes of the object and the same situation occurs in which perception. For example, the Inuit people do not have a concept that corresponds to what people commonly call "snow". The Inuit, in fact, receive different types of snow, depending on its particular characteristics and its possible uses and have different concepts for it. There is good reason: their survival depends on the snow. Of the many stimuli that come to people only a few steps beyond the first stage, becoming part of their experience and then used to make judgments, the rest is excluded.

Another key element is the organization of perceptions because the information has an expected pattern, which has been learned in previous experiences. This model can be very general and abstract or very specific and detailed. These models are called "categories" or "schemes".
While it was exposed to the information environment, we tend to group together certain stimuli into patterns that give meaning to the whole, rather than fragmented parts. The manner in which they are combined depends on the patterns of personal reference. An example are the words you are reading. The letters themselves are ignored in favor of the whole word. Another example is the tendency to see patterns physicists. Only three points because you can not find a triangle and four to "see" a rectangle.
Imagine being the head of a business function and that one of your employees is late and slow work, with a productivity below the average. Arrange these facts so that they have to make sense. Perhaps the slow work and arrive late go hand in hand. Perhaps your schedule on this set of information for you reflects lack of care and indifference. Could you explain behavior in terms of laziness and irresponsibility, and you may also seek confirmation in the events surrounding it. However, if you were convinced dellalealtà the person would be more consistent to think that his behavior is due to a temporary situation, perhaps outside work.

Even the physical and emotional state may shape and determine the perceived reality. When a person is hungry, the sights and sounds that indicate food tend to become the main element received. Emotional states, however, can distort perceptions. It 'been amply demonstrated, for example, that perceptions of eyewitnesses to a crime are often not accurate and that precisely in relation to their emotional state when they are present at the crime scene. Some eyewitnesses reported facts never happened and give undue importance to small details and specific stimuli.

We will continue the discourse on perceptions, exceptionally, tomorrow with a comprehensive new effects related to the event or object.

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