Characters: small | medium | big

(Translated by Google Translate)

Some of the features of events and objects can have an effect on how they are perceived. We talked in our Q-Club presenting illustrations, like the one you see on this page, creating the misperceptions. The figure illustrating this text, for example, seems to be moving when in fact, it is not at all (click on if you do not believe).

The characteristics that affect our perceptions are:

  • size
  • intensity
  • contrast
  • movement and new
  • ambiguity
  • characteristics of other

The size produce perceptual effects, because it is more likely to notice the large objects rather than small.
Another factor is the intensity of the stimulus: sounds particularly strong feel easily, as can be seen immediately clear or shiny objects.
Even the effects of the conflict can influence the perception is easy to pay attention to anything that stands out against the background.
Movement and facilitate the perception of novelty: a moving object or unusual things attract attention. Experts in advertising creatively manipulate these characteristics of objects and use in advertisements in magazines and newspapers, on billboards and in commercials on radio and television.
The ambiguity has an impact on the perception, since incomplete or ambiguous events lend themselves more to personal interpretation. The ambiguity is often a source of discomfort and can esserer reduced adds meaning to the stimulus is not necessarily linked to it.
Finally, even the characteristics of others affect perception. Consider, for example, status: persons of high status are more easily noticed and are usually perceived as more intelligent, accurate and credible.

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